Fields of expertise

Not sure what all this means? Here are Cara’s primary areas of interest broken down in her own words, based on nearly 20 years of research and practise.

Design Innovation

Design innovation is a field of research that explores the intersection of design and innovation processes. It encompasses the study of methodologies, frameworks, and approaches to facilitate the generation and implementation of novel and transformative design solutions. This interdisciplinary field draws upon principles from design thinking, human-centered design, and innovation management. Researchers in this field investigate various aspects, including user-centered needs assessment, ideation techniques, prototyping methods, and user testing strategies. The overarching goal is to enhance the effectiveness and efficiency of design processes, ultimately leading to the creation of innovative products, services, and systems that address societal, economic, and environmental challenges. Design innovation research serves as a catalyst for advancing knowledge, fostering creativity, and promoting sustainable and inclusive design practices.

Design Education

Current research on design education perceives it as a multidisciplinary field, uniting design, pedagogy, and research methodologies, and aims to develop skilled design professionals and researchers. It covers a broad array of aspects, from curriculum development and teaching strategies to assessment techniques and the implementation of educational technology within design. Research highlights innovative, learner-focused teaching approaches that foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the field emphasises ethical considerations, vital for responsible design practice. Overall, research in design education plays a critical role in crafting a vibrant and adaptive design education ecosystem.

Business Model Design

Business model design is a vital aspect of corporate strategy, encompassing the conceptualisation and implementation of the mechanisms by which an organisation creates, delivers, and captures value. It entails the careful arrangement of an enterprise's resources and processes, translating them into profitable operations. Successful business model design hinges on identifying a unique value proposition, effectively targeting customer segments, structuring optimal revenue streams, and ensuring cost efficiency. As business environments evolve, so must business models, necessitating continuous review and adaptation. The field has grown significantly with the advent of digitalisation, increasingly exploring innovative, technology-driven business model designs.

Digital Channel Design

Designing digital channels involves crafting strategies and structures for engaging with customers, stakeholders, and audiences through digital platforms. It necessitates an understanding of user behaviours, preferences, and expectations, with a focus on providing a seamless, intuitive, and personalised user experience. Digital channel design must consider compatibility across devices and platforms, maintaining consistency in branding and messaging. It involves an iterative process of testing, refining, and optimising to ensure efficient performance and user satisfaction.

Emotional Design

Emotional design delves into the study of the profound relationship between design and human emotions. It explores how design elements, aesthetics, and functionality can evoke and influence emotional responses in users. Researchers in this field investigate the cognitive and affective processes involved in emotional design, examining how emotions shape user experiences and product perceptions. They explore the application of emotional design across various domains, such as product design, interactive interfaces, and environmental design. The goal of this research is to understand and leverage the impact of emotions on design outcomes, enabling the creation of more meaningful, engaging, and user-centric designs that resonate with individuals on an emotional level.

Medical Design and Innovation

Medical design and innovation involves the application of design principles and innovative technologies to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes. This interdisciplinary field incorporates user-centred design approaches to develop medical devices, healthcare systems, and patient interfaces that are safe, effective, and accessible. It focuses on the entire lifecycle of healthcare products, from conceptualisation to end-user experience. Innovation plays a critical role, with emerging technologies like AI, IoT, and 3D printing revolutionising medical design. Crucially, this field must navigate regulatory requirements and ethical considerations to ensure patient safety and privacy. Medical design and innovation continues to be a crucial driver of progress in healthcare.

Military Design Thinking

Military design thinking is the application of design principles to enhance strategic decision-making and operational effectiveness within the defence sector. This multidisciplinary approach encourages innovative problem-solving, challenging traditional military doctrine and hierarchical thinking. It involves understanding complex systems, foreseeing potential scenarios, and fostering adaptability to change. By focusing on the needs of the personnel, design thinking can lead to improvements in areas such as equipment design, training programmes, and operational strategies. The objective is to cultivate a culture of adaptability, creativity, and continuous learning within the military environment, enhancing responsiveness to the rapidly evolving nature of global conflicts and security challenges.